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Power BI Dashboard in a Day

1-day, hands on workshop that covers the full capabilities of Power BI

8 часов
1 500 долларов США
Nyzhnii Val Street

Описание услуги

At the end of the day, attendees will better understand how to: - Connect to, import, and transform data from a variety of sources. - Define business rules and KPIs. - Explore data with powerful visualisation tools. - Build stunning reports. - Share dashboards with their team and business partners, and publish them to the web. The workshop are dedicated to attendees building reports and dashboards out of their own data with the support of their instructor. Limitations & Other requirements: - Not more than 10 attendees peer 1 session - BYOD, hardware minimum requirements: 2Cores, 8Gb Ram


  • 51, Nizhniy Val str., Kiev, Ukraine

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